GRF Foundation
GRF Foundation is a non-profit for educational, scientific, and charitable purposes. It supports the mission of information sharing and analysis centers and organizations (ISACs and ISAOs), providing greater resiliency to organizations, and enabling proactive and effective response to growing threats. The Foundation works to:
Advance Cybersecurity Education
Develop materials, events, and presentations which educate both the public and private sector on information sharing, security, and topics which reduce risk and enhance security and resiliency.
Provide a scholarship and skills-building program to expand opportunities in professional security for members of underutilized, underrepresented, and marginalized communities.
Advance The Study of Cybersecurity
Facilitate surveys, studies and reports on:
Community control capabilities and implementation
Education and awareness programs
Security controls for communities and individual organizations
Security regulation
Security standards and best practices
Security tools, and technologies
Intelligence sources
Risk management
Advance Cybersecurity Frameworks/Testing
Design and test operational models improving the security and resiliency of underserved sectors such as kindergarten through twelfth grade education (K-12):
Develop and test sustainable, member-driven organizational models and tools for specific, underserved sectors
Identify operational impacts to member organizations
Analyze effective risk mitigation practices