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Preparing for the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act

Join the Business Resilience Council (BRC) for key findings from a recent white paper that aligns the Operational Resilience Framework (ORF) and compliance with the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), going into effect January 17, 2025.

The white paper covers how the ORF can help establish a comprehensive resilience strategy that strengthens an organization and its critical vendors. This integrated ORF/DORA approach will also help organizations navigate future regulatory requirements beyond January 2025.

Participants in the BRC’s operational resilience tabletop exercise on December 11 may also wish to attend this meeting in preparation for that event.

October 30

Cyber & Physical Activity Targeting the U.S. Election & Major Geopolitical Events

January 22

The Journey to Secure Smart Manufacturing, Lessons for Other Industries