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Boosting Supplier Security - Free Training for your Direct Suppliers

Small and medium-sized suppliers make up the backbone of the manufacturing supply chain. While they are an indispensable part of that supply chain, and the manufacturing ecosystem as a whole, they often suffer from a lack cybersecurity, especially as it pertains to their operational network environments. This can lead to significant operational and business risk to the larger upstream manufacturers.

Dragos Operational Technology Cyber Emergency Readiness Team (OT-CERT) and the Manufacturing Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MFG-ISAC) have teamed up to provide free training and resources for these small and medium-sized suppliers. Join the webinar to learn more about how your organization can connect your suppliers to the security help they need. Attendance is free, as are the training and resources the partnership offers.

May 22

Strategic Defense: How Senior Leaders Plan for Operational Resilience

July 31

The Google Cloud Threat Horizons Report