Global Resilience Federation Releases Ransomware Report; Incidents Tracked Through Hacker Forums

Herndon, VA, USA – February 15, 2022- GRF analysts just completed a year-end update of the Semi-Annual Ransomware Report that tracks attacks based on public sources and conversations of threat actors in closed forums. Analysts compiled data on 1,200+ incidents in the second half of 2021. Some key findings:

 -The predominance of Conti gave way to LockBit RaaS from the first half of the year to the second

 -Analysts observed the emergence of small-scale and politically motivated ransomware operations

 -Critical Manufacturing, Financial Services, and Retail (Commercial Facilities Sector) continue to be the top targeted sectors

 -GRF analysts believe the IT sector will overtake the Financial Services sector as the most heavily targeted industry, primarily driven by supply chain and third-party service attacks

 -GRF analysts believe threat actors will avoid “whaling” to dodge significant attention from police and intelligence agencies that contributed to the closure of multiple ransomware groups in 2021

 Download the report:


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